October 15, 2003 |
A Matter of Degree Advocacy Initiative: Case Histories in Reducing High-Risk Drinking Among College Students - Universities and community groups can work together to change local public policies to reduce alcohol problems. |
September 11, 2003 |
"The Institute of Medicine and National Research Council have released a landmark study, "Reducing Underage Drinking: A Collective Responsibility." The American Medical Association's Office of Alcohol and Other Drug Use has developed a tool kit to assist local coalitions and advocates in taking the study's recommendations and advancing local and state policy and prevention initiatives." |
June 11, 2003 |
Lessons Learned from National Effort to Reduce High-risk Drinking Among College Students — AMOD Partnerships Share Their Experiences |
December 9, 2002 |
Underage Drinkers at Higher Risk of Brain Damage than Adults, American Medical Association Report Reveals — AMA Challenges Television Networks and Cable TV to Stop Airing Alcohol Ads to Youth |
March 26, 2002 |
A Matter of Degree (AMOD) Calls on National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC) to End Partnership with Anheuser-Busch in NCAA Ad Campaign Featuring University Mascots |

March 7, 2002 |
AMA Poll Finds Parents Very Concerned about High-Risk Drinking; 73% Agree that Alcohol Producers Should End their Association with Spring Break |

February and March, 2002 |
Television Advertising and Hard Liquor — A Dangerous Cocktail For Our Children. Attention Parents: Youth and Alcohol - The Sobering Facts |

August 29, 2001 |
Binge Drinking a Top Concern for Parents as Students Head Back to College — New American Medical Association Survey Finds Overwhelming Support for Strong Measures to Reduce High-Risk Drinking; Releases Checklist to Help Parents Assess their Child's Risk |
