IOWA CITY, Iowa - National poll results released today by the A Matter of
Degree (AMOD) program of the American Medical Association (AMA) support
actions taken by the Stepping Up Project, a community and campus coalition to
reduce the harmful effects of excessive drinking in Iowa City and on the
University of Iowa campus. |
The national poll found that 93 percent of parents of college students believe
that easy access to abundant sources of alcohol is a major source of excessive
drinking. Stepping Up's goals for the past five years have included reducing
easy access to cheap alcohol, increasing the number of late-night social
activities for college students, and the consistent enforcement of alcohol
policies. |
Stepping Up has pursued many initiatives highlighted in the survey results.
For example: |
- 81 percent of parents survey said they feel more comfortable sending their
child to a college that has strong policies or programs to deter underage and
excessive drinking.
- Coalition members have spoken to parents of new UI students during
- UI President Mary Sue Coleman sent a letter to all parents of first-year
students asking them to talk with their children about alcohol.
- Stepping Up partnered with the UI Parents Association to sponsor
Nightgames, late night activities at the UI Field House, as a month event.
- Stepping Up endorsed the UI's partnership with Planet X to provide discount
prices to UI students.
- 80 percent of registered voters said that cheap beer and shots and
all-you-can-drink specials are important contributing factors to binge
drinking. 92 percent support enhanced enforcement of laws prohibiting alcoholsales to underage persons, and 89 percent support increased penalties on retail establishments that serve underage or intoxicated persons.
- Stepping Up supported the passage of a new alcohol ordinance by the Iowa
City City Council that prohibits some drink specials and made it easier for
Iowa City to enforce laws against illegal alcohol service.
- 78 percent of registered voters support limiting the number and location of
bars close to college campuses.
- Coalition members are researching alcohol outlet density and the negative social and
health effects associated with a high density of retail alcohol outlets.
- Stepping Up is supporting the efforts of the Iowa City Northside
Neighborhood Association to ask that Hy-Vee Food Stores not turn the former
Pearsons' Drug Store into a liquor store.
For more information on Stepping Up's activities or the survey results,
contact: |
Carolyn Cavitt Sarah Hansen
Chair, Stepping Up Coordinator, Health Iowa/Student Health Services
339-9345 335-8387 |
Will Jennings Cathy Solow
Northside Neighborhood Assoc. Parent of Iowa City West High 337-7770 Director of Admissions, UI College of Medicine 335-8055 |
Charley Buck, MD Ernie Lehman
UI Parents Association Board Mayor, Iowa City
319-292-6755 337-2375 |
Steve Parrott
Director, University Relations
101 Jessup Hall
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-0552
steven-parrott@uiowa.edu |