- Talk to your college student about the health and personal physical safety dangers of excessive alcohol consumption – both by themselves and others (i.e. fighting, drunk driving, and rape).
- Give your college student tips on how to protect themselves such as traveling in pairs, having money for taxis or public transportation, carrying medical insurance cards and condoms.
- If your son or daughter is using a tour company to plan their trip, ask to see any promotional materials that helped your college student decide. Make sure that the company is reputable, and that it isn't using excessive alcohol promotion to target and influence students.
- Ask your son or daughter to provide the names and numbers of any hotels they will be staying in, as well as cell phone numbers for themselves and their friends.
- Talk to your son or daughter about your expectations and limits with regard to alcohol use.
- Give them a pre-paid calling card and establish a regular check-in time.
- Offer to cover the cost of participating in an alternative spring break program.
- Teach your son or daughter the signs of alcohol poisoning, so that they can better protect their peers and themselves.
- If your son or daughter is under 21, makes sure that their spring break destination has the same drinking age limitations as do U.S. locations. International locations may allow students as young as 18 to legally purchase alcohol (e.g. Cancun, Mexico).
- Warn your college student about the danger of drinking and dehydration.
Compiled by A Matter of Degree: The National Effort to Reduce High-Risk Drinking Among College Students. March 1, 2002 |