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Media Kits

A Message to the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges

Budweiser's famous Clydesdale horses have been joined by a new menagerie.
During the NCAA basketball finals this week, college and university team mascots are featured in television commercials for Anheuser Busch.
These messages are the latest result of a joint ventiure between America's largest brewer and the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC).
This unfortunate, unprecedented and misguided partnership — ostensibly to promote "responsible" drinking — should be terminated immediately.
It mocks prevention goals by legitimizing and
It  normalizes, rather than questions, the central role of alcohol in college life.
It serves as a "seal of approval" for the hip, entertaining product commercials for Budweiser that appear with far greater frequency during the same programming. And it helps Anheuser Busch capture the lucrative entry-level youth market, including the roughly half of college students who are underage.
Though well-intentioned, this venture raises serious questions about the credibility of NASULGC's commitment to fighting our nation's number one campus drug problem.
We urge them to find other sources of support for alcohol prevention initiatives.
A Matter of Degree - The National Effort to Reduce High-Risk Drinking Among College Students