
Information for Parents

(RUDC) Reducing Underage Drinking Through Coalitions: Youth and Adults United for Change

Parents Guide to Teenage Parties
Includes a planning guide for parents hosting teen parties, suggestions for parents whose children are attending parties, a model contract to make sure that everyone gets home safely, information about laws restricting alcohol and other drug use, tempting recipes for nonalcoholic punches, and ideas for lively party themes and activities.

©Wisconsin Clearinghouse, University Health Services, University of Wisconsin-Madison, PO Box 1468, Madison, WI 53701-1468, (800) 322-1468. The AMA thanks Wisconsin Clearinghouse for permission to make this publication available

Missouri's Youth/Adult Alliance

12 Mirrors 21
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12 mirrors 21 is a statewide media campaign aimed at increasing the age of first use of alcohol in Missouri.

Note: Materials are from Missouri's Youth/Adult Alliance. The following link will take you out of this web site and will open in a new window. Link to Missouri's Youth/Adult Alliance (myaa) web site.